Insane eco fact of the week: It takes 12 million barrels of oil to produce the plastic bags we consume each year and 15 million trees for the paper ones. The U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic shopping bags annually at a cost of $4 million to retails. Plastic bags are not biodegradable, they're photodegrable and melt away into a toxic mush going back into our soil and water where poor and unsuspecting animals on land and sea dine on bits of old Duane Reade bags for lunch.
What's a girl to do? I recently discovered grocery shopping is the perfect outing for my old and torn Herve Chapelier bag. The poor thing hasn't seen the world outside my apartment in years. You can resurrect and old bag from your "bags that have gone slightly out-of-style" closet (like me), or treat yourself to something new (check out Reusable bags for a great selection). There are so many options to this eco-problem and they're all so much more attractive than that nasty Duane Reade bag.
So the next time the check-out girl asks you "paper or plastic," you can tell her, "no thanks, Herve's helping me pack today."
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